Friday, November 14, 2014

Harsh Awakenings

They say you shouldn't blog or do any kind of writing with the expectation of getting paid, just do what you want. So in light of that advice, I write this blog entry. The constant cycle of getting and losing a job has worn on me, more than I can say. My sense of independence, that I had only just begun to experience, was taken away from me on the whim of a woman who for unknown reasons did not want me to work for her. Now, seeing my so called friends turning against my husband, I feel lost. How can I hold my head high when so many forces are pulling it down?

I have started writing a book. The idea has been in my head, but stretching it into a full novel is proving to be harder than I thought. Enna, my poor Enna, the creation of my mind is about to go through hell. I hope both of us are strong enough to get through this.

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